Scientific communication and popularization: research-creation for the development of
interactive, immersive and collaborative works.
Territories are spaces subject to different forms of appropriation and domination, both physical and symbolic, by various social actors, implying power disputes. A socio-environmental conflict takes effect when there is an imbalance of forces and powers in territories affected by logics of exploitation and expropriation of the environment, resulting in environmental degradation and the scarcity of natural resources, whether renewable or not. A socio-environmental conflict is therefore a conflict arising from the scarcity of an environmental resource, caused by disturbances triggered by human beings on the normal rates of regeneration. The effects of environmental degradation may not lead directly to conflict, but they gradually produce various interrelated social effects, which at some point result in situations that can generate some kind of violence. From this perspective, what do we know about the socio-environmental conflicts that surround us, which are very close to us but sometimes seem to be invisible? How can they affect our communities and our daily lives? What territorialities result from these sometimes unequal dynamics of appropriation or domination of certain territories that make up our cities?
Principal investigator: Daniela Zanetti, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Role in the project: Research advisor.